Maternal Mental Health
This is something that I feel we (women specifically) have been conditioned to do over the generations - stop listening to our instincts, and start sacrificing how we feel for the sake of others. I honestly feel this is a big part that plays into maternal mental health.
How this Pregnancy is Different
I had to make the conscious decision to be at peace that this pregnancy is going to be different.
I see the Light
I listened to I See the Light which is a love song between the main characters, and all I could hear was a love song to my daughter and how much I ached that I watched her first two years of life through a heavy fog of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety.
Rainbow Baby - Pregnancy After Loss
As a birth worker, and childbirth educator and currently pregnant with our rainbow baby I am sharing this from a place of personal experience of practical application.
Postpartum Care & Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Your employer/company should not consider pregnancy loss is as a vacation; any time-off taken for healing is bereavement time.