REST-Oration With GAPS

BED. That’s where I’ve spent most of my days since Winter Solstice. Not because I’ve been sick, but because I’ve been in a deep state of healing, and with that — I’ve had to surrender fully to rest.

If you’ve been around for a while, you know I take my internal winter—my bleeding time—very seriously. Rest is not just important; it is sacred.

This season of deep stillness was amplified by everything that came before it:

  • A cross-country move in the middle of multiple hurricanes, returning to our hometown in Oklahoma

  • A month in an Airbnb, caught between worlds

  • Finding & moving into a new home

  • Selling our land in Florida, closing a chapter

Every part of me—body, mind, spirit—was primed for rest. And for the first time ever, I surrendered to it fully, letting the external winter hold me.

It also led me back to GAPS.

Why GAPS, and Why Now?

People kept asking if GAPS was my “New Year’s resolution.” The short answer? Absolutely not.

The long answer: I have spent years untangling myself from the artificial timelines imposed by culture—timelines that tell us to push, to start fresh, to do more when our bodies are asking us to slow down.

I knew that intentionally choosing to eat **GAPS Intro meals—meat stock, soups, stews—**was in perfect alignment with winter. So I started before January 1st, not because of a resolution, but because of a rhythm.

Winter is not the beginning of a “new year.” In nature, it is the season of dormancy, repair, and deep nourishment. The reason so many resolutions fail is because they are out of sync with this truth. Real change, sustainable change, is built from replenishment—not depletion.

Healing Scars, Biochemically & Beyond

What I’m doing is more than a dietary shift. It’s a biochemical restoration.

This season has given me space to witness the scars—both seen and unseen—that my body has carried. Some are physical, etched into my tissues. Others are emotional, woven into my nervous system, my gut, my cells.

Through deep nourishment, I am releasing what no longer serves me. The stored stress, the unprocessed grief, the depletion from years of pushing through.

This is what we’ll be diving into in Releasing Scars, Restoring Balance with Victoria Gyore. The ways our bodies hold memory. The ways we can support them—biochemically, emotionally, somatically—as we reclaim balance.

If you’ve been feeling the weight of your own scars, whether physical or emotional, I invite you to join us. Your body is always seeking healing. Let’s give it the support it needs.

Join Releasing Scars, Restoring Balance with my dearest sister, one of my most trusted colleagues, and my GAPS facilitator, Victoria Gyore on February 26th at 8pm CST.

Until then, I pray you are deeply nourished…


Nux Vomica: The Entrepreneur’s Remedy for Stress and Burnout